Ash Wednesday Services
Service TimeS & LocationS
- Noon (Chapel)
- 6:00 PM (Family Focused, Chapel)
- 7:00 PM (Sanctuary)
Ash Wednesday officially begins the 40-day season of Lent. This tradition dates back to the 7th century. Ashes from burned palm leaves, which are saved from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebration are placed on the forehead of parishioners. This custom of placing ashes on the heads of people is an ancient penitential practice and can be found mentioned in the Old Testament. It is a sign of sorrow, of penitence and mourning. As early as the 300’s AD it was adopted by local churches.
After a laying on of hands and the imposition of ashes on their heads, they were reminded, “Remember, you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3: 19)