Face of Jesus Exhibit Reception
Binkley’s Fine Arts Committee invites you to celebrate the installation of its new Faces of Jesus exhibit at a reception on Gathering Sunday. The reception will take place in the Narthex following the 11 AM Worship Service.
Faces of Jesus has been planned for more than a year. It represents the work of 24 artists from around the globe, with special emphasis on African, Asian, and Hispanic works. The exhibit also includes some of the oldest depictions of Jesus known to exist, including two from the Catacombs in Rome. As the exhibit explains, none were drawn by artists who could have known the living Jesus. So each piece represents the artist’s personal conception of how Jesus might have looked.
Booklets with in-depth information about the pieces are available, alphabetized by the name of the piece. Docent tours may be announced at a later date. If you are interested, please indicate that by leaving your name on the clipboard at the credenza in the Narthex.