Intergenerational Labor Day Service Project
Mark your calendars for another fun time of coming together to make blessing bags to share with those we encounter while driving around. On Sunday, September 1st, all ages are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall to put together these bags and take some for your household to distribute. We will also have tables with information about upcoming Church School opportunities for all ages at Binkley. Regularly scheduled church school options will begin on September 8th!
If you’d like to contribute items for the blessing bags, you can bring them to Amy’s office.
Items Needed for Unhoused Care Packages:
Non-Perishable Good Items that are easy to eat such as:
- Water Bottles
- Packaged Tuna
- Apple Sauce in Cartons
- Raisins and Other Dried Fruit
- Peanut Butter Cracker Packs
- Cheese Cracker Packs
- Easy Open Cans of Chili and/or Beans
- Soft Breakfast Bars
- Protein Bars
- Fruit Snacks
Travel Size Toiletries
- Toothbrush and Toothpaste
- Band-aids
- Wet Wipes (individually wrapped)
- Sunscreen
- Lotion (unscented is best)
- nail clipper
- lip balm
- tisssues
- comb or brush
- mints, course drops, or gum