Living the Questions Series- First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God
Available in-person and via Zoom
Runs for 12 sessions.
The first is the outstanding video-discussion series entitled “First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God.” Produced by our friends at Living the Questions, this 12-week curriculum explores the unique and revolutionary ministry of Jesus as understood from gospel accounts and historical perspectives. It features both Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan.
The series is a great chance to better understand progressive Christianity and its features around theological/biblical interpretation and social justice.
The class meets on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30, starting on January 16th (new date than originally advertised). We have not offered this particular class previously.
Please sign up by emailing Donna at ASAP. Indicate your name and the class name (First Light) in the email. This is a hybrid option (both in-person as well as Zoom online)