Partnering with Palestine to End Apartheid Workshop
Learn more about the history of Palestine, and hear about colonization in Palestine. Learn more about what it looks like to stand side by side with Palestinians. Initiatives of churches who have taken the Apartheid-Free pledge will be shared. Learn how faith communities can participate in the work of freedom, justice and equality for Palestinians and for Israelis.
All are welcome! Binkley family, clergy, other area churches, and community representatives are invited.
Facilitated by Rev. Dr. Allison Tanner.
Rev. Dr. Allison Tanner is a pastor, educator and organizer working for justice and healing in our world. She is the National Organizer for the Apartheid-Free Communities initiative, convened by American Friends Service Committee. She also serves as Pastor of Public Witness at Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church (Oakland, California), a sister Alliance of Baptists congregation.
Part of Binkley Focus: Stepping into the Whirlwind of Israel-Palestine: What is an Apartheid-free Community of Faith? Explore. Question. Discern.