Our congregational commitment to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Reclaim
These commitments are accomplished with support of our Church Council and in collaboration with the Building, Grounds, Membership, Fellowship, Outreach, Worship, Fine Arts, and other Binkley Church committees.
A Proclamation for Sustainability
On April 22, 2018 (Earth Day Sunday), the Earth Ministries Committee shared the stirring Proclamation of Sustainability that has been adopted by the church.
This proclamation calls us to community-wide change, but all change takes time. What are the next steps? What are some practical things we can do now to get going?
Binkley is a Cool Congregation!
Binkley was one of five churches in the nation to be recognized by Interfaith Power & Light as a Cool Congregation for 2018. The Cool Congregations Challenge was divided into five categories, and Binkley was awarded $1000 in the Sacred Grounds category for our efforts with 3-stream waste diversion (landfill, recycling, and compost.) Click here to read a press release from IPL. You can also find more information at the Cool Congregations Challenge website.