A Celebration of the Community Service of Robert & Pearl Seymour
Celebrate the community contributions of Pearl and Bob Seymour. This event will highlight the many and varied gifts that this remarkable couple made in Chapel Hill for decades. It is impossible to overstate the powerful and long-lasting impact the Seymours had in shaping our community. Speakers include our partners from IFC, Habitat for Humanity, the Seymour Senior Center, former music students, current and former church members, and many more. Music will be offered by the Binkley Chancel Choir, Stephen Shaeffer, and Stephenie Sanders. The event will also be livestreamed.
The event starts at 4 PM in the Sanctuary and is followed by a reception in our Fellowship Hall that will include both sweet and savory appetizers provided by church members and a caterer, including Bob Seymour’s favorites such as chocolate cake and sweet iced tea.
RSVP required.
REGISTER to attend in-person.
For more information visit: https://binkleychurch.org/seymourcelebration/